Daniel Santiago.

product design lead at Loggi - sao paulo, brazil - monovolumemag@gmail.com or +55 11 97081.1360

linkedin  •  instagram  •  medium

loading.json - 4kb • after effects + lottie

favorite.json - 7kb • after effects + lottie

success.json - 5kb • after effects + lottie

an online marketplace where you can buy and sell things you don't use anymore

hotsite for a new enjoei service that help you turn your wardrobe's clothes into money in your wallet

personal projetct dedicated to promote life and career of the swedish movie director Ingmar Bergman

concept of a new way to showcase personalized content and real time news based on the user navigation behavior

responsive page with the World Cup scores, highlights and everything else about each match

a personal project to showcase my favorite hobby: photography

thanks for the visit and feel free to getting in touch: monovolumemag@gmail.com or +55 11 97081.1360